Our Story
Grace Gives Back

Paul's Place
Trunk or Treat is a really fun time at Grace Preschool. Instead of just getting candy, we try to give back, too. Two buggies were filled with canned goods this year to give to Paul's Place. Paul’s Place began serving soup and sandwiches twice weekly starting in September of 1982. With nearly 40 years of service to the community, Paul’s Place now offers more than two dozen services and programs to low-income individuals and families.

ShareBaby seeks to meet the unmet needs of Baltimore's most vulnerable. ShareBaby has grown tremendously since its founding in November of 2014 when it distributed a few hundred items each month through a network of friends and family. ShareBaby now operates a fully equipped 9,000-sq. ft. warehouse, reliably delivering over 200,000 diapers and other essentials per month to more than 15,000 of Baltimore's most vulnerable children.Grace partners with them during the holidays to collect hats, mittens, and coats for babies and young children.

The Spencer Grace Foundation
The Spencer Grace Foundation has partnered with the pediatric oncology community with the goal of eradicating these diseases and providing better treatment options for families fighting pediatric brain cancer. Please join the fight and help us destroy these diseases. Grace Preschoolers ride and scoot each year to raise money to fight pediatric cancer. All children deserve a future!
Baltimore Hunger Project